Rescued from auction where she was known only as "41" the number of her ear tag, Sylvia arrived at FCFS in 2016. She is the eldest of the herd and the very first cow to call FCFS home. Unbeknownst to us, she didn't arrive alone. Sylvia was pregnant.
Since Sylvia had not been shown kindness or respect in her former life, she was extremely fearful of humans. She kept her eye on us while also keeping her distance. Coming from an agricultural setting, it is extremely likely that Sylvia had never been allowed to keep and raise her children. Fearful of what would happen to her calf, Sylvia quietly gave birth in the cover of the woods. Finally, she was able to experience the depths of motherhood and familial bonds with her daughter Scarlett. It was a time of celebration and joy.
Though attempts were made to save her, Scarlett tragically passed away in her first year of life. Our hearts shattered for Sylvia and we were worried about how she would process such a deep loss. Though Sylvia no longer had a biological family member, she became the herd matriarch and helped teach and raise all the cows that came after her.
To this day, Sylvia remains hesitant around humans and vigilant in her observation of the pasture. Nothing happens in Sylvia's environment without her knowledge. She keeps watch to ensure she and her family are safe at all times.
Sylvia is one of the smallest herd members, but her presence is large. She cares deeply for her family and is their fierce protector. Sylvia's ear still bears the hole from her tag, but she is no longer seen as a number. She is valued for who she is and not what she can produce. Everyday she inspires us. Sylvia is resilient, she is a leader, and she represents what mothers in animal agriculture experience.

Ingrid is a Holstein Cross and was rescued from a kill pen. She came to FCFS as a calf. Sylvia helped raise the youngster. Little Ingrid quickly made friends with fellow rescue calf, Mathew.
Ingrid has an inquisitive and adventurous spirit. Where Sylvia is reserved and extremely cautious, Ingrid will approach to investigate. She is reigning Miss Congeniality of the pasture, friendly to her herd mates and humans alike.
Ingrid has model looks, she is tall and elegant with distinct white markings on both her left limbs and her tail. Like Sylvia, Ingrid's ears have holes in them from her number tag. A lasting reminder that in her previous life, she too was treated as a product. Since her time at FCFS, Ingrid has been treated as an individual with careful consideration given to her needs and unique personality.
Though Ingrid is friendly with all her herd mates, she most often spends time with the sisters rescued from Pennsylvania, Sienna, Iola, Gloria, and Rapunzel. Besides being with friends, one of Ingrid's favorite pasttimes is enjoying the mineral block. Licking the block provides trace minerals and salt that are needed for a balanced diet. It's also an activity that provides enrichment to the pasture. Ingrid is gentle, playful, and curious. We love watching her interact with her friends and her environment.

Jupiter arrived with friend Venus. Though they are not related, both are Charolais cows. This type of cow was bred to be exceptionally large which is beneficial for the animal agriculture industry. Jupiter is by far the biggest of the herd in both height and weight. He stands 6'1" tall and weighs over two tons! He is a big man, with a chill outlook, and an adventurous spirit.
Jupiter's quest for adventure reminds us of goat resident and lead mischief maker, Shane. This proclivity for fun coupled with Jupiter's size keeps us on our toes. As a testament to his love for exploration, you'll often find Jupiter's light hair streaked with the red of Georgia clay. He paints his face in the clay, gets it on his body, and because of his height, gets it on his belly. He's also the lead fence inspector. He is thorough in his work and points out which areas need attention. This is done by sticking his head through sections. We're always prepared to tend to fencing needs and with Jupiter's help, we've secured the cow pasture.
Jupiter mixes with the herd, but he does like to hang out with the boys, Kelsey, Levon, and Mathew. He will also wander off alone or with a friend. As further proof of being the life of the party, Jupiter takes advantage of the pond and goes for a dip to beat the heat. His swim friends are Venus and Levon.
Since Jupiter has been able to grow into his adult body and reach an incredible stature, he outgrew the cow equipment used to comfortably and safely provide hoof maintenance. Special considerations are needed to accommodate the full grown bodies of the residents. Animal Care Manager Emma, measured the cows, researched the appropriate equipment, and tracked down what was needed for the larger members of the herd. With her work, we were able to make the right purchase ensuring proper hoof health for all the cows. When it was time for Jupiter's pedicure, an abscess was found. We were able to immediately address the issue and promote healthy mobility for Jupiter. This is one example of why proactive health maintenance is our priority. Jupiter is able to participate in all his desired activities without being hindered by a hoof ailment.

Mathew is a Jersey Cross and a survivor of the dairy industry. In the dairy industry, since males cannot produce milk, they are typically seen as waste products. This means they are either discarded immediately, days after birth, or sent to become veal calves where they will only live to be 16 - 18 weeks of age. Mathew was spared and grew to become playful and curious.
Unlike his friend Jupiter, Mathew is a follower. Instead of venturing off on his own, he always stays with the herd. He enjoys the comfort of his family. We're not sure, but considering Mathew wasn't able to stay with his birth family, his bond to his FCFS herd may be extra precious to him.
One of Mathews traits is being a good friend. Breah, who is the lowest ranking of the herd, often has to sneak bites of hay before the higher ranking members make her move. Mathew never does this to Breah. He doesn't mind when she eats next to him. He gives her access to all the hay she wants. Like all his friends at FCFS, Mathew communicates both verbally and non verbally. He has a signature head bob that he uses to tell us when he would like to play or when it's time for us to give him his space. We appreciate that Mathew communicates his wishes with us.
With his distinct patches and varying shades of brown, many people comment on how "cute" Mathew is. Even though Mathew is indeed handsome, looks are irrelevant when you're born for the purpose of losing your life. Everyday we're thankful that Mathew was able to make it to sanctuary and that he found family in the herd.

Sienna came to FCFS in 2017 with her sisters Gloria, Iola, and Rapunzel. They are Ayrshire cows which have been selectively bred over time to achieve their signature mahogany color as well as their high milk production. The sisters were rescued from a "hobby" farm where they were being used as show cows to win prizes at fairs. The farm was investigated for neglect and cows were found living in deplorable conditions. Sadly, nine calves in the barn had passed away from lack of care. Like Mathew, even their hallmark good looks did not ensure that the sisters' lives would be valued.
Of the siblings, Sienna is the most spirited and independent. In 2019 she underwent surgery to remove an infected toe. Once she had enough time to heal and recover, she was reintroduced into the herd. Watching her move around the pasture, you would never know that she is any different from her herd mates . Sienna remains very active and playful, especially with her sisters.
Like Breah, Sienna holds a low rank. However, since she's much bigger than Breah, Sienna likes to be the boss and literally throws her weight around. An endearing trait is how she sneaks hay. While the Care Team still has the hay loaded on a vehicle, Sienna pulls a bale off quickly grabbing a snack before the hay can be unloaded into the feeder.
Sienna is one of the herd members that cherishes their personal space. Besides her Care Team, she does not want to interact with humans. We accept Sienna for who she is and respect her wishes. While accepting of the Care Team and even welcoming their scratches, she likes everyone else to admire her from afar. Despite her lower rank, Sienna's personality is bold. We're happy to see her thrive amongst the herd.

Breah is an Angus Cross and arrived with her young son, Kelsey. He was so small, and Breah took great care of him. She is very gentle, calm, and social with humans. She even gives kisses! Cows have rough tongues that help them graze and groom. If you're imagining a giant cat tongue, you have the right idea.
Breah arrived at FCFS blind in her left eye. In early 2023 she developed irritation in that eye causing her discomfort. She underwent surgery at Auburn University to have it removed. Breah healed perfectly and is now free from the irritation that she once experienced. She maneuvers the pasture without issue. Breah relies on her hearing more than her herd mates do. She swings her head in the direction of sound to gain a deeper understanding of what is happening.
Breah is the smallest of the herd by far. Compared to all her friends, she's a tiny mom. Breah is incredibly sweet and intuitive. She understands humans well and is open to affection on her terms. At six, her son Kelsey is the youngest of the herd. However, he towers over his mom.
Since Breah is the lowest ranking of the herd, she pays close attention to the feeding routine. Instead of standing by the troughs pushing her friends for gain, she lets the other herd members eat. While they're occupied, she stands at the hay feeder waiting for the hay bales to be dispensed. This gives her an opportunity to get more food before the others make their way to the hay feeders.
Like her fellow low ranking friend, Sienna, Breah also sneaks hay while the bales are still on the vehicles. Unlike Sienna, Breah's small size doesn't knock them down. She is a cordial snacker. Kelsey doesn't think it's cool to hang out with his mom all the time, but the two are bonded. We treasure the opportunity to see them together. They have matching blond streaks in their tails. Watching them groom each other is a tender moment.

Holly was born on a farm in Alabama where she spent her short seven months of life. For three of those months she was forced to live with a severely broken hind leg. Holly was not given a name or the opportunity to receive medical care. She was seen as a product destined to be used for food and nothing else. Like Holly, animals trapped in the agricultural system, either large scale or small and local, are routinely denied veterinary treatment. This is typically because their lives are seen as unworthy - they are being raised to die, so why bother? Treatment also dips into profit. It it common for animals to be left to adapt or die.
Holly was being kept alive solely for the purpose of being sold for consumption. Upon learning of her plight from a good Samaritan, it was minutes before we began working with them to coordinating her rescue.
​While we don't know how much time Holly would have been kept alive to languish on her broken leg as she reached an "ideal" slaughter weight, we knew she had to be rescued and given a chance.
We named Holly before we met her. Providing a new rescues with a name is just as important to us as getting them to safety. We see this as an act of respect, dignity, and a crucial step in nurturing their autonomy. Holly was treated with the same love, respect, compassion, and consideration as any resident who has long called FCFS home.
Injuries to large mammals are far more complex to treat than those in cats and dogs, we knew Holly's story may not have a happy ending. No matter how long Holly would be with us, we were willing to step up to fight for her.
Holly was rescued December 21, 2024. Immediately after picking Holly up, she was transported for medical treatment and assessment by her awaiting veterinary team. Unfortunately, the break was far worse than we thought and the structure and stability of the remaining three limbs were gravely compromised and in danger of failure. It became clear to her veterinary team and to us that Holly's suffering and pain went beyond the point of repair and recovery. Keeping her in such a state would not only have been a matter of animal welfare, but an act of cruelty and irresponsibility. We agreed with the medical suggestion of her veterinary team, and made the decision to release Holly from the body that was causing her to suffer. Sadly, this is likely the second act of compassion Holly experienced. The first was someone fighting for her, and the second was ending her pain.
It deeply saddens us to know that Holly was so close to living at FCFS, surrounded by friends and given every opportunity for a healthy life of freedom. Although Holly never met the FCFS herd, her body was cremated and is honored in the FCFS memorial space. She joined fellow residents of the past who live on as an integral part of the FCFS mission - the mission to inspire change and to create a world where no animal is bred for human use and consumption.
Though Holly was with us for so little time, each minute was deeply impactful. We're grateful to have been part of Holly's story, and inspired by her strength, resiliency, and determination. She will forever be in our hearts and part of the FCFS mission.