The first to ever call Full Circle Farm Sanctuary home, Penny the pig, Zephyr the goat, and Noah the rooster set in motion the FCFS mission of rescue, education, advocacy, and change, that began in 2010 and continues today. We wouldn't be who we are without these three magnificent individuals. They are at the forefront of why we do the work we do.
To honor their establishment of the organization, the likeness of Penny, Zephyr, and Noah were incorporated into the FCFS logo. The Earth is present because Penny, Zephyr, and Noah inspired us to take action and help create the world we want to see. A kinder world, and one that is better for animals, humans, and the environment.
Though Penny, Zephyr, and Noah are no longer with us, their legacy lives on through the sanctuary, the mission and work of FCFS. The same is true of all the residents who have passed away. Each one has not only touched our heart, they became part of it, and they all inspire us daily. Saying goodbye is one of the most difficult aspects of this work. Loss is part of life, and part of rescue. However, it is never easy.
Caring for the residents when they pass is just as important to us as caring for them while they are alive. We created a beautiful memorial space inside our lodge dedicated to showing respect and honoring the lives of those who have left their pastures. We keep their ashes and foot prints, and we keep working to create an impact on their behalf.

Penny was the original royalty of the pasture. She had a gorgeous smile and spirit that she generously shared with the world. Penny had distinct floppy ears and the pinkest snout. She lived to be ten years old. Unfortunately, because of the how pigs have been bred throughout generations, Penny's body could no longer support her. She struggled with mobility which we treated, but one day, she could no longer get to her feet and she no longer wanted to eat. With her quality of life in mind, we made the painful decision to help her pass peacefully in her pasture and to be freed from her failing body. This was our final act of love and kindness to Penny. The pig herd was given the opportunity to say goodbye to their leader, their friend, and their family member. Each took the opportunity and spent time with Penny. We hope this action provided closure for them and helped them to process the loss of their matriarch. Penny made an enormous impact on us all. Long live the queen of the pasture and of our hearts.

Zephyr had a small body, but a giant presence, and the tallest horns. He was incredibly charming and sweet. Zephyr lived to the wonderful age of sixteen. He passed away during the night, warm inside the barn and in his favorite spot, wearing his special coat. Passing away peacefully after such a long life and a day of being shown love and eating lots of snacks is the best case scenario for the residents. It was a tremendous loss, but we're grateful for all the days we had with Zephyr and all the joy he felt.

Noah was part of the sanctuary since day one. He was truly there for the beginning of what would transform into the Full Circle Farm Sanctuary of today. Noah was the original flock star. He taught us so much about what it means to care for chickens and about the plight of roosters. We still apply Noah's lessons to the current FCFS flock of 30. Noah lived six years of freedom and safety and felt love and care everyday he was with us. He was an incredible individual and we're deeply grateful to him for helping us define the FCFS mission. Thank you Noah.